The sun shone once again on this remote Cumberland town as the crowds and sheep gathered again for this showcase of our breed. There were nine exhibitors in the Open classes and a further three in the local in local classes. All under the watchful eye of judge, Martyn Archer. ( Photograph by John Bentley)
The proceeding began with a class for a trio of Mule Gimmers. There were 17 pens of 3 lambs forward and finished off with The Reed family from Lands farm taking 1st prize with all their pen of lambs sired by their old favourite stock ram, Highberries H2. Neil and Mary Marston followed into 2nd with lambs sired by three different tups – Highberries N10 ( Golden Boy), Highberries P5 and new kid on the block Bleagill R2.

Reeds 1st prize pen of three sired by Highberries H2

Marston's 2nd prize trio of Mule Gimmer Lambs

Ian Pott's 3rd prize pen of 3 gimmer lambs
Ian Potts from Redburn shares the Bleagill R2 tup with the Marstons and this tup managed to get one of his lambs in Pott’s top three. Redburn N1 and another Homebred tup sired the remaining two lambs in this pen. John Smith-Jackson took 4th place in this class with lambs sired by Shafthill R2 and Highberries R22.
Pens of Six Mule Gimmer Lambs

Andrew Reed from Lands Farm with the 1st prize pen of 6 mule gimmer lambs

Chloe Reed with the Family's first prize pen of 6 mule gimmer lambs
There were nine pens forward in the Pens of six class and the placing remained the same as the previous class. Reeds six lambs saw 4 lambs sired by Highberries H2, a further by an H2 son ‘West Biggins S5’ and the final lamb sired by a Spurigg son, West Biggins R19. The Highberries pen consisted of 2xHighberries P5, 1 x Golden Boy, 1 x Barnshanagan M4, 1 x Highberries R34 and final one been the aforementioned Bleagill tup, R2. The R2 tup put 2 lambs in Pott’s 3rd prize pen which joined lambs sired by M4 Redburn, N1 Redburn, and a homebred tup sired by a Robbie Collingwood tup.
The Single Mule Gimmer Lamb

The single Mule gimmer class was huge and one of the largest shows of NE Mules anywhere in the Country. There was no less than 35 single gimmer lambs out in the show arena and several hours later reports from the beer tent suggested that there may have been closer to 60! Martyn Archer carefully selected his favourite 7 lambs which were lined up to create his winning selection.

Mary Marston with their Champion Mule
The Champion Mule on the field was won by Neil and Mary Marston whose lamb was sired by Bleagill R2. Ian Potts stood 2nd with a smaller lamb perhaps chosen for its fabulous bone and sired by his homebred tup known as Robbie. Third place was left to the Reed family with another lamb sired by their H2.
Pair of Mule Gimmer Lambs

1st Prize Pair from The Marston's, Millstone Moor
Neil amd Mary took 1st prize in the best pair of Mule Gimmer Lambs with a Highberries P5 which was able to join the single champion Bleagill R2 lamb to make this winning pair.

3rd Prize pair from John Smith Jackson
Ian Potts was elated with 2nd in this strongly fought contest with the Bleagill R2 lamb joining up with a homebred sired lamb to stand just in front of John Smith-Jackson who continued his prize winning ways with lambs sired by R2 Shafthill and R22 Highberries.
Local Classes
Peter and Pauline Smith swept all before them in the local classes at Alston winning the first prize pen of 6, First prize pair and Champion and Reserve Single.

Alston Show Mule Classes Results
Saturday 7th September
🎩Judge: Martyn Archer
🐑Pen of three Mule Gimmer Lambs
1. Reeds, The Lands
2. Marston, Millstone Moor
3. Ian Potts, Redburn
4. John Smith Jackson
5. Reeds, The Lands
6. Folder, Wescoe
🐑Pens of 6 Mule Gimmer Lambs
1. Reeds, The Lands
2. Marston, Millstone Moor
3. Ian Potts, Redburn
🐑Single Mule Gimmer Lamb
1. Marston, Millstone Moor
2. Potts, Redburn
3. Reed, The Lands
4. Folder, Wescoe
5. Smith-Jackson
6. Marston, Millstone Moor
7. Waugh, Kilnstown
🐑Pair of Mule Gimmer Lambs
1. Marston, Millstone Moor
2. Potts, Redburn
3. Smith-Jackson
4. Reeds, Lands Farm
Local Classes
🐑Pen of 3 Gimmer Lambs
1. Peter Smith
2. Peter Smith
3. Thomas Athey
4. Shaun Harrison
🐑Pen of 6 Gimmer Lambs
1. Peter Smith
🐑Single Gimmer Lamb
1. Peter Smith
2. Peter Smith
3. Thomas Athey